Birmingham Weekend Events: Aug 8-11

Birmingham Restaurant Week is HERE! This week is the return of Birmingham Restaurant Week, where you can try some great prix fixe menus at your favorite restaurants ranging from $5-$50.  This weekend also has lots of opportunities for shopping local, live music, and delicious food! Be sure to check

Weekend Events: July 25-28

It’s an Olympic sized weekend of events! The Olympics are kicking off and there are quite a few ways to celebrate right here in Bham! There are also plenty of other events full of music, food, shopping, and fun! We don’t have too many weekends left before Summer

Weekend Events: July 19-21

Puppies, Pancakes, Planets, and more!  This weekend, get ready to enjoy all kinds of fun and often FREE events around town. From local theatre shows, to events that highlight adorable puppies, there is something for everyone.  Check out the list below and get out to support local businesses and organizations

Birmingham Events: July 11-14

Birthdays, music, and more! This weekend is full of some fun, and often FREE events! Both McWane Science Center and Back Forty are celebrating birthdays with some fun parties and there are TWO events for all of you Parrot Heads out there. Check out the list and be sure to
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