Russell Hooks

Russell Hooks

Total 255 Posts
Russell has enjoyed Birmingham from a young age. In 2015 he and his wife, Amber, began sharing their Birmingham experience to showcase the city's many enjoyable local events and activities!

WRW 2017: The Grill at Iron City

The Grill at Iron City Serves Up Some Impressive Dishes! For our first dinner of Winter Restaurant Week, we headed over to [**The Grill at Iron City](**. Coincidently, we just did **[an interview with The Molly Ringwald's Band](** in

WRW 2017: Tropicaleo!

This Amazing Puerto Rican Food is Already a Birmingham Favorite! Our first stop for Winter Restaurant Week was to **[Tropicaleo's](** "El Kiosko" at Trim Tab Brewing Co.! If you haven't tried **[Tropicaleo](** yet, this Winter

Weekend Roundup: Jan 19-22

Winter Restaurant Week 2017 is Here!!! It's time to kick off Winter Restaurant Week 2017! We get to be Official Bloggers so follow us at #WRW2017 to see some amazing food! There are also some other amazing events this weekend including the LAST time the Circus will come
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