Weekend Roundup: Feb. 7-10, 2019
Race into another great weekend!
It’s Mercedes-Benz Marathon Weekend, but there are also tons of other events you’ll want to race over to! Check out the season opener for The Birmingham Iron or the Tragic City Rollers! It’s safe to say that this weekend is filled with athletic excitement! Also, check the end of the post for a list of great live theatre performances that are currently running! **[#RUhappenin](https://www.instagram.com/happeninsintheham/)**
Birmingham Art Crawl
Thurs, Feb 7, 5pm-9pm
Cost: Free
At: Pizitz (map)
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Head out to the monthly Bham Art Crawl to look for that handmade unique gift for your loved one, or for yourself! Share the love of Birmingham with the one you love this February with a piece from Birmingprints. From 5-9PM, visit The Pizitz and the rest of the gang participating in this month's Birmingham Art Crawl.
Click here for more info!
Love Yo Self Valentine's Prep
Thurs, Feb 7, 5-7pm
Cost: FREE!
At: LeNell's Beverage Boutique (map)
Get ready for Valentine's Day with this tasting of bangin wines and sweet treats plus FREE chair massage! They'll be pourin' up Love Drunk rosé, Saint Amour Beaujolais, Brachetto D'Acqui, and Mi Amore Moscato. You'll also fall in love with truffles from Michelle's Chocolate Laboratory. Don't miss out on this perfect Valentine's prep for you and your love(s) or just you, yourself, and you!
Click here for more info.

Drop-in Art Night: Mixed Media Valentines
Fri, Feb 8, 6:30pm-8:30pm
Cost: $20
At: Space One Eleven (map)
Drop-in Art Night is back February 8, 2019 with a Mixed Media Valentines project led by Birmingham artist Ashley Wingo! Show your loved ones you care by giving them a real work of art this Valentine’s Day. All skill levels and ages are welcome! The cost is $20, and enjoy a drink on them! Proceeds support Space One Eleven’s year round art classes and art camps for children and youth. Payments are accepted at the door in cash, check, or credit card.
Click here for more info!
Mercedes-Benz Marathon Weekend
Fri, Feb 8 - Sun, Feb 10
Cost: Free - $130
At: Railroad Park (map)
In its 18th year, the Mercedes-Benz Marathon Weekend of events has become a Birmingham tradition. The event has helped raise millions of dollars for local charities throughout its history.
FRIDAY & SATURDAY - UAB Callahan Eye Hospital & Clinics Health and Fitness Expo & Packet Pickup -Boutwell Auditorium. Entrance into the Expo is free to the public. Everyone is welcome and the Good People Brewing Co. Beer Garden is open all day for your pleasure! SATURDAY - Bring the family for the Superhero 5k and other kids’ runs. SUNDAY - Run or walk one of the races including the Full Marathon, Half Marathon and Marathon Relay. After you cross the finish line on Sunday and receive your Mercedes-Benz hood ornament medal, the celebration begins with our post race party. Lots of BBQ, free beer, free massages, 2 live bands and plenty of dancing if your legs will allow. Run Birmingham and walk away with a lot of fun memories and some pretty cool bling!
Click here for more info!
ASO Presents: Video Games Live
Fri, Feb 9, 8pm-10pm
Cost: $25-$60
At: Alys Stephens Center (map)
Video Games Live™ is an immersive concert event featuring music from the most popular video games of all time. Gamers and non-gamers alike will be dazzled by synchronized cutting-edge video screen visuals, state-of-the-art lighting, stage show production, and special on-stage interactive segments.
Click here for more info!
Roller Derby Double Header
Sat, Feb 9, 4pm-9pm
Cost: $12
At: Zamora Temple (map)
Based in Birmingham, Alabama, the Tragic City Rollers are a roller derby group of hard-hittin', tough-trainin', and athletic women from all walks of life. The Tragic City Troublemakers will take on the Rocket City Rebels followed by the Tragic City All-Stars as they go head to head with the Dixie Derby Girls! Bring the whole family for their season opener double header!
Click here for more info!
Events at Haven Spring Art Expo
Sun, Feb 10, 12pm-4pm
Cost: Free to attend
At: Haven (map)
Come out and join us at Haven on Sunday afternoon. Over 30 up-and-coming and established talented Birmingham artists will be displaying and selling their art at Haven. A cash bar with yummy brunch drinks will be available, as well. Friends and families are welcome to enjoy this free event.
Click here for more info!
Birmingham Iron Season Opener
Sun, Feb 10, 3pm
Cost: $18
At: Legion Field (map)
Even though the Superbowl was last weekend, football is NOT over. Pro football continues at the season opener of the Birmingham Iron. Strike while the iron is hot at Legion Field Stadium for the inaugural Alliance of American Football season. Tickets start at $18. Season tickets are available starting at $75.
Click here for more info!
Live, Local Theater!
Looking for unique ways to support local theater? Catch one (or more) show this weekend. Get your tickets now since these shows sell out fast! Here's what's playing:
Boy Gets Girl
At: Theatre Downtown (map)
Dates: January 24 - February 9
**[Fun Home](https://www.terrificnewtheatre.com/?fbclid=IwAR3_T3qnc-_vOW0TjZIsxs0RjS5JTIxEhg4MYe7BFpr01KKtyMNBS9uxrWk)**
At: Terrific New Theatre ([map](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Terrific+New+Theatre/@33.5164778,-86.7936992,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x88891bb09b92ccef:0x52010c26887cb02a!8m2!3d33.5164778!4d-86.7915051)) Dates: January 24 - February 15
**[Million Dollar Quartet](https://www.virginiasamfordtheatre.org/season/million-dollar-quartet/)**
At: Virginia Samford Theatre ([map](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Virginia+Samford+Theatre/@33.5033233,-86.7893333,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x88891bceab2aed57:0xde8a2183f626ac15!8m2!3d33.5033233!4d-86.7871392)) Dates: January 24 - February 10
**[The Three Little Kittens](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-three-little-kittens-tickets-46451294071)**
At: Birmingham Children’s Theatre ([map](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Birmingham+Children's+Theatre/@33.5252605,-86.8144628,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x88891b9b6c0814bd:0xa81feb745fb6c720!8m2!3d33.5252605!4d-86.8122687)) Dates: January 26 - February 9
At: Red Mountain Theatre Company ([map](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Red+Mountain+Theatre+Company+(Cabaret+Theatre)/@33.515919,-86.8104489,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x88891bb064d3ff21:0x5fcd7599419bff9a!8m2!3d33.515919!4d-86.8082548)) Dates: February 1 - February 17
**[Maytag Virgin](https://birmingham-festival-theatre.ticketleap.com/maytag-virgin-by-audrey-cefaly/details)**
At: Birmingham Festival Theatre ([map](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Birmingham+Festival+Theatre/@33.4998045,-86.7994883,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x88891bc365991115:0x4548c66856c6605c!8m2!3d33.4998045!4d-86.7972942)) Dates: February 7 - February 23