Weekend Events: Feb 29-March 3

HAPPY LEAP DAY!!!  That’s right! We get one extra day in February! It’s also the first weekend of March, so that means it’s time for the Chili Cook-off!  This is one of Birmingham’s best attended food festivals. Also, we still are in Birmingham Winter Restaurant Week!

Birmingham Weekend Events: Feb 2-4

February is here!!!  After what is seemingly the LONGEST month of the year, seriously feels like the longest Monday ever, we have made it to February!  Before we get all mushy-gushy with Valentine’s events, we have a weekend full of fun that includes cars, art, music, and the first

Halloween Events in Birmingham 2023

Thrills, Chills, and more!  Get ready for a SCARY amount of Halloween events heading your way! This is one of the busiest event weekends of the year, so here’s a list of the spookiest and most festive events happenin’ around town for all you ghouls and goblins to enjoy!
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