Tag: What's Happenin'

Total 380 Posts

Weekend Events Roundup: Oct. 6-9, 2022

October is here with some incredible events! This weekend has some great activities to keep you going! We are jumping right into the month with food events, an event for motorcycle enthusiasts, some roller derby, and more! Check below for all the details! #RUhappenin [https://www.instagram.com/happeninsintheham/ ] Taste

Weekend Roundup: Sept. 22-25, 2022

Another packed out weekend! It has been a scorcher of a week, but it should cool off some just in time for these incredible weekend events!  FIESTA returns for its 20th year, there’s an ArtPlay Bday Celebration, the Middle Eastern Food Festival, Furnace Fest, and more!  Check out all
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