It’s Christmas Time!!!
Christmas is just around the corner, but there’s plenty of time to celebrate with some awesome holiday events in Birmingham! These are great events to share with visiting friends and family. There are plenty of events that feature festive music as well! Check them out below!
Seasons Drinkings
Thurs, Dec.19, 12pm-12am
Cost: FREE
At: Ghost Train Brewing (map)
Whether the weather outside is frightful (or not), beer is always delightful. So, come hang out at Ghost Train Brewing Thursday December 19th. 10% of sales will benefit the Cahaba River Society and the Cahaba River Society Junior Board will have a table with more information about the organization. There will also be a food truck, live music and good vibes. Leave the stress of work and the holidays at the door and enjoy some beer and good company!
Click here for more info.

**Innova Christmas Party
Thurs, Dec.19, 5-8pm
Cost: FREE
At: Innova Coffee ([map](,-77.0895993,3z/data=!4m8!1m2!2m1!1sinnova!3m4!1s0x88891786a2a13daf:0xbc6be54a60596db7!8m2!3d33.4337544!4d-86.7371326))**
Innova can't wait to Christmas Party with you! Enjoy LIVE music, Christmas Movie Trivia, complimentary food & drinks, and all the regular Innova goodies! Celebrate the holiday with guests that the Innova team have come to know and love! DROP IN between 5-8pm.
**[Click here for more info.]( )**
Holiday Blues Jam
Thurs, Dec.19, 7-10pm
Cost: $5
At: Brennan’s Irish Pub (map)
This is a case of the holiday blues that you WILL want! Head to Brennan’s for a jam session courtesy of Magic City Blues Society. We’re sure you’ll hear some blues renditions of some Christmas favorites! Admission is just $5 and it will be a night of fun for everyone who’s there!
Click here for more info.

**Tacky Christmas Party & Movie Night
Thurs, Dec.19, 7-9pm
Cost: FREE
At: Bham District Brewing Co. ([map](,-86.8021605,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x88891b594a7a65ff:0x66c820f82be9ce02!8m2!3d33.5121964!4d-86.7999718))**
Come hang with The Bham District Brewcrew and all of their tackiness! They'll be giving away free swag for the tackiest person (clothing or attitude!). This Christmas party will be filled with movie trivia, so bring your holiday film A-game! While you’re there, be sure to try one of their beer flights for some extra holiday cheer!
**[Click here for more info.](**

**It’s a Wonderful Life: LIVE
Dec.19-29, 7:30pm
Cost: $30
At: Terrific New Theater ([map](,+2nd+Avenue+South,+Birmingham,+AL/@33.5122009,-86.8021605,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x88891bb09b92ccef:0x52010c26887cb02a!8m2!3d33.5164778!4d-86.7915051))**
Be part of the studio audience and be taken back in time to the 1946 radio broadcast of It’s a Wonderful Life! This production includes a stellar cast of six, an original musical underscore, and live foley sound effects that bring the entire town of Bedford Falls to life. This Holiday tradition returns to the Magic City for a sixth smash year and is a unique Christmas experience!
**[Click here for more info.](**

**Creative Mornings: Happy Hours
Fri, Dec.20, 4pm
Cost: FREE
At: Lumbar ([map](,-86.7928505,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x88891b1a243bcfb7:0x756a4e723a40328c!8m2!3d33.516126!4d-86.7906618))**
Join the Creative Mornings Bham team for a happy hour benefiting Children’s of Alabama. Come enjoy some food, drinks, and good company—all for a good cause. For every toy you bring to donate to the Sugar Plum Shop, you will receive one FREE drink (made possible by Big Communications). Drinks will also be available for purchase!
**[Click here for more info.](**

**Die Hard
Fri, Dec.20, 7pm
Cost: $9
At: Alabama Theatre ([map](,+3rd+Avenue+North,+Birmingham,+AL/@33.5161305,-86.7928505,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x88891b93d9c2fb7b:0x607c0735ce1f64d3!8m2!3d33.5148887!4d-86.8090934))**
Don’t miss out on this Holiday Classic??? Yep, Die Hard IS a Christmas movie! See it at the historic Alabama Theatre as part of the 2019 Holiday Film Series! This one isn’t for the kids! Doors open 90 minutes before showtime, and each screening will begin with a sing-along accompanied by the Mighty Wurlitzer organ!
**[Click here for more info.](**

**Handel’s Messiah
Fri, Dec.20, 7-9:30pm
Cost: $18
At: Alys Stephens ([map](,-86.805205,17z/data=!4m8!1m2!2m1!1salys!3m4!1s0x88891be5c267abef:0x38c069c7a8b46d30!8m2!3d33.4970188!4d-86.8074884))**
Handel's Messiah has become the world's most popular choral work, delighting audiences every holiday season. The ASO will also perform Bach’s divine Brandenburg Concerto No.3. Celebrate Christmas with this moving musical experience at Alys Stephens!
**[Click here for more info.](**
Bad Movie Night
Fri, Dec.20, 8:15-10pm
Cost: FREE
At: Sidewalk Cinema (map)
All we can really tell you is that the movie will be bad and, since it's December, holiday themed! If you like cheesy cinema, this event is for you! Arrive in your best festive gear prepared to be unpleasantly surprised. There will also be Bingo! It’s FREE!!!
Click here for more info.

**ETC: Santa’s Underpants
Fri, Dec.20, 9:30-11pm
Cost: $10
At: Bham Improv Theater ([map](,-86.7989365,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x88891b2dc0df82cb:0x85a227751e6d5408!8m2!3d33.5076475!4d-86.7967478))**
This is an annual variety show that’s packed full of holiday hilarity! ETC comedy presents this event that’s anything but traditional. Bring a group of friends and prepare to laugh at the crazy antics of this comedic crew! Who knows what surprises may be coming down the ETC chimney!
**[Click here for more info.](**

**Cookies & Cocoa with Santa
Sat, Dec.21, 2pm
Cost: $5
At: Vecchia ([map](,+Preserve+Parkway,+Hoover,+AL/@33.507652,-86.7989365,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x888921ebd844e3cd:0x39bba8181b745a2a!8m2!3d33.3813037!4d-86.8386532))**
Get in the Christmas spirit! Come out to enjoy cocoa and cookies with Santa at Vecchia Pizzeria & Mercato! Big thanks to RBA of Alabama for sponsoring this fun event! Kids 3 and under get in FREE everyone else is just $5 each! The event includes delicious homemade cookies and piping hot cocoa with marshmallows! Kids can write and color a Letter To Santa to mail on site! Bring your camera for a picture with Santa!
**[Click here for more info.](**

**Winter Solstice Bazaar
Sat, Dec.21, 5pm-2am
Cost: FREE
At: Black Market 5pts. ([map](,+20th+Street+South,+Birmingham,+AL/@33.3813082,-86.8408419,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x88891bc4e99456ad:0xb657d7f02bc74687!8m2!3d33.5009393!4d-86.796328))**
Winter is coming to BMB5 on Saturday, December 21st, the shortest day of the year. Come and join in for this Winter Solstice Bazaar! It will be a night filled with art & music from local Bham artists and you don't want to miss it! The Art Bazaar begins @ 5pm. Come on in and get those last minute Christmas presents while supporting your local artists! The music starts at 8pm!
**[Click here for more info.](**

**Winter Solstice Hike
Sat, Dec.21, 5:30-7pm
Cost: $5
At: Oak Mtn. Park ([map](,+Terrace+Drive,+Pelham,+AL/@33.5009438,-86.7985167,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x88893cd9624e4bbf:0x8a4463bd7a179d16!8m2!3d33.3247302!4d-86.7593249))**
For thousands of years cultures across the globe have celebrated the Winter Solstice as the "rebirth of the sun" welcoming the return of light! Celebrate the Winter Solstice at Oak Mountain State Park! Join OMSP Park Naturalist on the longest night of the year for a night hike exploring the park after dark! Look for glowing lichen and bugs, hunt wolf spiders, try to talk to owls, and maybe see a star or two! Meet at the Treetop Nature Trail/Beach access parking lot between 5:00pm and 5:30pm! Hike will begin shortly after 5:30pm!
**[Click here for more info.](**

**Home for the Holidays: SuperPOPS!
Sat, Dec.21, 7-9pm
Cost: $15+
At: Alys Stephens ([map](,-86.8096771,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x88891be5c267abef:0x38c069c7a8b46d30!8m2!3d33.4970188!4d-86.8074884))**
Celebrate the season with the Alabama Symphony Orchestra and special guests Caleb Clark, Dolores Hydock, and Three on a String. Sing along to holiday favorites, hear timeless classics, and enjoy the spirit of the season! This is a great event for the entire family to enjoy!
**[Click here for more info.](**

**First Responders’ Brunch with Santa
Sun, Dec.22, 10am
Cost: FREE for 1st Responders/20% off for their family/$25 reg.
At: Iron City Bham ([map](,+22nd+Street+South,+Birmingham,+AL/@33.4970233,-86.8096771,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x88891bc0a1443b55:0xc397c3c0dadc684e!8m2!3d33.508883!4d-86.798085))**
This is a special brunch appreciating the greater Birmingham area's First Responders. All uniformed first responders will be offered brunch on the house! Family of first responders will receive 20% off of their meals! Santa will be in attendance! (He’d never miss a meal THIS good!) New toy donations for Children's Hospital are recommended but not required.
**[Click here for more info.](**

**Birmingham Curry Club Cook-Off
Sun, Dec.22, 12-2pm
Cost: $5
At: Ghost Train Brewing ([map](,-86.7960105,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x88891bb987d2055f:0xcede5870e2913348!8m2!3d33.5145205!4d-86.7938218))**
The Bham Curry Club is having a curry cook off hosted by Cahaba Brewing and Hyderabad Dum Zone with all funds raised going to local organization AMOR! (We love them!) Attendees to the event will be asked for a minimum suggested donation of $5 to sample all curries. This will be one delicious event!
**[Click here for more info.](**

**Grand Menorah Lighting
Sun, Dec.22, 4:30pm
Cost: FREE
At: The Summit ([map](,+Birmingham,+AL+35243/@33.4480757,-86.7328642,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x8889177a91a2cf45:0x6a033c4280fba522!8m2!3d33.4480712!4d-86.7306755))**
Join in this Sunday, December 22nd from 4:30-6:00 PM for the 5th Annual Grand Menorah Lighting here at The Summit in Saks Plaza. There will be music, a stilt walker, balloon artists, a graffiti wall, a bubble show, traditional Chanukah foods, and of course the Grand Menorah lighting!
**[Click here for more info.](**
Enchanted Forest / Now- / FREE / Pizitz Food Hall
**[#DecktheHam / Now-Dec.25 / FREE / Downtown Bham](**
**[Art Crawl at the Village / Now-Dec.24 / FREE / Brookwood Village](**
**[Brrrmigham Winter Adventure / Now-Jan.5 / $8+ / Railroad Park](**
**[Shadrack Christmas Wonderland / Now-Jan.5 / $25 per car / Bham Racecourse](**
**[ZooLight Safari / Dec.6-8 & 13-30 (closed Christmas) / $10 or FREE for Members! / Bham Zoo](**
**[Visit Santa at The Summit / Now-Dec.24 / Price Varies / The North Pole at Summit](**
**[Magic of Lights: Vulcan Holiday Lights Experience / Dec.8-23 / $8 / Vulcan Park & Museum]( )**