Look Who’s Happenin’: Meet Piyanka & Tyler of ListList!
We are huge fans of husband and wife teams, for obvious reasons. Recently we had the opportunity to sit down with Piyanka Ghosal and Tyler Duke, the husband and wife duo behind the new app ListList!

Piyanka and Tyler are in the current Velocity Accelerator Cohort at Innovation Depot! Velocity is an intensive 13-week program that provides participants with $50,000 in seed capital up front and the potential for grant funding after they finish. It allows tech startups, like ListList, to accomplish a ton of development and strategy in a short amount of time.
"ListList allows you to use the power of lists to share ideas, information, and inspiration with your friends and community!"
We sat down to speak with Tyler and Piyanka to learn more about ListList, their current goals, and what it has been like as a husband wife duo (with two kids) launching an app and website. Amber is currently working out of Innovation Depot with Immediate, so I went over around lunch one day so we could all meet up. The first thing I noticed was the excitement and energy from both Tyler and Piyanka! They are incredibly kind and passionate about what they hope to accomplish with ListList!

We got comfy in the trendy Innovation Depot lobby and immediately hit it off! Here are a few of the questions we asked them!
What was your initial inspiration for ListList?
ListList was actually inspired around Thanksgiving! The holidays are a time of year where we collaborate on A LOT of lists. A few years ago, while trying to organize a simple list of ideas for our family gathering, our group text quickly got out of control (as group messages tend to do).
We needed a simple way of sharing everyone’s favorite foods, holiday ideas, and meeting places that would be easy enough to collaborate on but nothing so complicated that our less tech-savvy family members felt left out. There are collaborative tools out there, but sometimes a simple list is all you need. That was the inspiration for ListList — one easy app for organizing, collaborating, and sharing lists of ideas with groups, families, or friends to be on the internet!

What are your favorite features in ListList?
Really the ability to create any list you can dream up and easily share it with friends, family, or across the web — ListList is a great collaborative app that allows anyone you choose to get involved. It’s awesome for planning a Girls Night Out, group trips, or building lists of bars and restaurants for date night. Likewise, if you’ve already started a list elsewhere, you can export any pre-existing lists on your smartphone over to the ListList app and open those up for commenting, likes, and group collaboration.
Another really cool feature we’re excited about is the ability to build a list and instantly share it to social media or other platforms with customizable graphics you can design directly within the app. For influencers and brands it's a great feature for tagging and shining a light on your favorite places or sharing recommendations, content, or promotions with your entire network.

How do you hope to create a sense of community with the app?
Since ListList allows users to build any kind of list, we’d love to see people begin collaborating and sharing non-profits, charitable events, or opportunities to make donations or volunteer for causes they care about. It would be an absolute dream if ListList provided a simple and fun space for people to help their communities and make the world a better place!
How has your experience as a Birmingham Start Up been?
Being a startup founder can feel pretty lonely at the beginning — your whole life is consumed by transforming this idea into something viable you hope others not only enjoy but actually use! However, being in a space like Innovation Depot and working with the other members of our cohort in the Velocity Accelerator Program has reignited that collaborative spirit that inspired ListList in the first place. We’re so grateful for the opportunity to spend our time with other founders getting to know them, sharing ideas, helping one another, and just commiserating about this wild experience as a group!

How can people download the app?
Like just about any app, ListList is available right now in the App Store & on Google Play! You can click the link below to download the app and start collaborating and sharing all your unique lists today!
Click here from your smartphone or tablet to go directly to the download page: https://listlist.app.link/tdp5POP5Pnb

What's it like being a husband and wife team?
It’s been really great! You’re working with your best friend and life partner every day on something you both really care about! We jokingly say ListList is our third child!
Honestly, it’s been such an adventure being side-by-side on this. We both have really different strengths and personality traits which already made our relationship special, but building ListList has also strengthened our bond as Husband & Wife. We’d be lying if we said we had it all figured out — we’re still working on the whole “work life balance” thing. If we’re not careful, we’ll talk about ListList 24/7 — but, hey, maybe one day we’ll share a list about that, too!

Tons of Potential Fun!
Amber and I have officially created our Happenin’s in the Ham ListList account (as well as personal ones) and have been having so much fun with it! Stay tuned because we plan on doing some fun things with it in the near future! We kept jotting down fun ways that we could use the App to help our followers! The app has various privacy settings, fun templates, and plenty of dynamic ways for someone to engage with friends on social media or within the app. Be sure to follow ListList on Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, and Facebook!
-Russell H.