Tag: What's Happenin'

Total 380 Posts

Weekend Events: April 1-4, 2021

Happy Easter!!! Happy Easter Weekend, everyone! The weather will be cool, but sunny, so let’s get out and enjoy some great events! Here are some places that will be hosting some fun activities this weekend! Enjoy! #RUhappenin [https://www.instagram.com/happeninsintheham/] Grand Opening: Saw’s BBQ/Neighbors Brews

Weekend Roundup: March 19-21, 2021

Spring is here! Check out some fun ways to celebrate the arrival of Spring! Get outside before the pollen does! #RUhappenin [https://www.instagram.com/happeninsintheham/ ] Spring Flowers Market Fri, March 19 - Sat March 20, 9am-7pm Cost: $5 At: Trussville Civic Center (map [https://www.google.com/maps/place/
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