Tag: What's Happenin'

Total 380 Posts

Birmingham Events: Dec. 3-6 2020

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Decorations are going up, we’ve had our first “snow” of the season, and everyone is in full holiday mode!  There are quite a few events happening this weekend, but we will be hunkered down in the Sidewalk Cinema enduring hours

Weekend Events: Nov. 26-29, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! In 2020 it feels like it is hard to find a lot to be thankful for, but we are forever thankful for the incredible Birmingham community. There are quite a few fun events including some Iron Bowl viewing parties! Be safe this Thanksgiving and wear your mask!

Birmingham Events: Nov. 19-22

Let’s head into another fun weekend! Everyone is already getting into the holiday season! 2020 needs as much cheer as it can get. This weekend is full of some fun opportunities to get out and enjoy the cooler temps! Check our list and start planning your weekend fun today!

Weekend Roundup: Nov. 12-15, 2020

Friday the 13th is here! This weekend brings us another Friday the 13th! This one is special though, since 11yrs ago, Amber and I met on Friday, November 13th! Needless to say, we consider it SUPER lucky! Check your superstitions at the door and have some fun this weekend at
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