Tag: What's Happenin'

Total 383 Posts

Weekend Roundup: June 2-5, 2022

Vulcan is turning 118, and there’s a Hullabaloo in Lakeview! This weekend is full of fun events, but you definitely don’t want to miss the new version of Slicefest, Lakeview Hullabaloo, or Vulcan’s 118th Birthday Bash!  June is already here and the Summer season is already in

Weekend Roundup: May 12-15, 2022

Do-Dah-Day, Buck Creek Festival, Wine Festival, and more! Ok, Birmingham, y’all are going to have to have fun for us this weekend! We’ll be at The First Waltz (enter to win a 4pack of weekend passes HERE! [https://www.instagram.com/p/CdZGSc7PXAu/]), but there are SO many
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