Tag: What's Happenin'

Total 380 Posts

Weekend Roundup: Aug. 27-30, 2020

Happy Sidewalk!!! This weekend brings us both Sidewalk Film Fest AND the conclusion of Birmingham Restaurant Week! By now, y’all probably know that we are obsessed with both of these events and are long time supporters!  We highly encourage you  to participate in both these and the other activities

Weekend Roundup: Aug. 20-23rd, 2020

A Taste of Normalcy! With the pandemic stealing away a lot of our fun, it’s so nice to have some amazing events to get excited about! Please remember that when attending events to wear your mask whenever possible and to observe social distancing. Birmingham Restaurant Week is in full

The Great Grocery Giveback is a Huge Success!!!

Feeding those in need. Whenever Trip Cobb of Tito’s Vodka [https://www.instagram.com/titosvodka/] reaches out I always know it is going to be for something great! This time was no exception.  He and Lindsey Noto started the Great Grocery Giveback [http://www.greatgrocerygiveback.com/?fbclid=IwAR2r3RagtXlq9dap9MaI8U5JqjBnIXOmemcI5DzIAddC9oOBK6BsBI7tmAg] program
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