Tag: What's Happenin'

Total 380 Posts

BhamNomNom Connects You to Local Restaurants During the Covid19 Pandemic

Hungry for restaurant info? Ever since the CoronaVirus social distancing guidelines we have been fielding questions about local restaurants and how to best support them. Now, with the launch of Bhamnomnom.com [http://bhamnomnom.com/], we have a great resource to pull from! Creative Collaboration! Bham Nom Nom is the

Weekend Roundup: March 12-15, 2020

Important CoVID-19 Update: In light of the current health situation, we are  trying to keep our event posts as up to date as possible. There have already been some big announcement about rescheduling events.  We will update this post as we are informed, but please double check the event pages

Weekend Roundup: March 5-8, 2020

A MASSIVE Chili Cook Off and the Shamrock Shindig are both this weekend! It’s time for the Exceptional Foundations insanely large Chili Cook Off!  Also, on Saturday night, we will both be emcees for the Shamrock Shindig at Haven! This is one of our favorite events, so we are
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