Tag: What's Happenin'

Total 380 Posts

Weekend Roundup: Feb. 20-23, 2020

It’s time for Mardi Gras and Margaritas! Fat Tuesday is right around the corner AND it’s National Margarita Day this weekend! There are fun events to celebrate both.  Check out these awesome events! #RUhappenin [https://www.instagram.com/happeninsintheham/] Blues Jam Thurs, Feb. 20, 7pm Cost: FREE At:

Weekend Roundup: Feb. 13-16, 2020

Love is in the air this weekend! It’s Valentine’s Day weekend and there are plenty of LOVELY events to attend! From Galentine’s to couples events, we have plenty of options to celebrate with the loved ones in your life! #RUhapppenin [https://www.instagram.com/happeninsintheham/] Firehouse Open
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